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Does Sound Really Affect Plant Growth ?


So, per my routine while working on the projects in the morning I would play few Mantras, sound vibration on my Red Speaker. It just so happened, that I had a bamboo plant placed there too. I have been doing this for couple of weeks now, playing the playlist for 3-4 hours in the morning, while I work. I have another bamboo plant placed by the window sill as well. Both were bought together about four months back and were almost exactly the same. They were growing the same way for past 3.5 months, so I barely paid any attention to them besides taking care of it once in a while.

Today to my surprise, I noticed that the plant closer to the music was about two inches taller. It grew that much in past 2 weeks since I started playing the mantras regularly. The leaves are longer, healthier, more open and also have new shoots. While the other one is just as it has been for the past three plus months, no particular change.

I plan to continue doing the same thing for couple of months to make sure I am correct in my hypothesis. If it is true I will be a very happy camper, to win at least one argument with my kids, with proof !!!!!

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