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Interesting Mathematical Facts about 2021

Interesting Mathematical Facts About 2021
Below are some points that show how 2021 holds some very interesting mathematical calculations within it.
Partner in Prime :
  • 2021 is a product of two prime numbers 43 and 47.
  • It can be also expressed as (a+b) x (a-b) which is (45+2) x (45-2) = 47 x 43 = 2021
Consecutive Property in 2021 :
  • Series of consecutive integers 20 and 21 = 2021
  • Product of two Consecutive Prime numbers 43 x 47 = 2021
Reverse Multiplication :
  • Multiplying 2021 in reverse 1202 is Palindrome
  • 2021 x 1202 = 2429242
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