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Importance of Vedic Math

Importance of Vedic Math

Vedic Mathematics is an ancient system of Indian mathematics. It is a very refined and efficient calculating system. Vedic Math was re-discovered in India, by Swami Bharati Krishna Tirtha, between 1911 and 1918. He revived this  ancient, fast and super easy way of mathematical calculations.

Vedic Math comprises of simple techniques of calculation, based on a set of 16 Sutras, or aphorisms, as algorithms and their sub-sutras or corollaries derived from these Sutras.

Before we discuss the advantages, benefits and importance of Vedic Math, lets understand in brief, the relation between our brain and math, why is math important ? Does math really make us more intelligent and better equipped for the future ?

Well, math allows you to see connections and develop neural pathways that strengthen the brain. It enhances the analytical and problem-solving skills, creates the basis for systemic thinking. It improves the skills required to arrive at logical conclusions, expands the mind to handle unfamiliar tasks with ease and confidence. Study of math develops communication skills, enabling one to be better at expressing a logical argument, persuading, and debating – skills.

Mathematics involves problem solving, processing of numbers, information and data. Problem solving in mathematics incorporates various cognitive processes and strategies. Three main mental operations (i.e., information storage, data organization, and executive control) are necessary in math.

Different brain regions are responsible for the different functions executed during math. Evidence from brain-imaging studies indicates that parietal lobe areas are central in calculation and processing of numbers, while frontal lobe areas are involved in recalling numerical knowledge and working memory.

Lets see below how Vedic Math helps in developing intelligence, enhanced cognition, self awareness and confidence.

Advantages of Vedic Math

1)   Speed and Accuracy : Vedic Math comprises of super-fast methods which are quick to solve and very accurate. As most of the problems are solved mentally with the use of single or very few steps, it  increases the accuracy and reduces mistakes. Due to its fast methods, it is more than 1700% times faster than regular math. It ensures both speed and accuracy, strictly based on rational and logical reasoning through application of the sutras leading to improvement in the computational skills.

2)   Simple and Easy to Use : Vedic Math is easy to master and apply. It reduces the burden of memorizing difficult concepts since one rule may be implemented in various operations. A single method can be used for several math functions, making it easier to learn and remember.

3)   Systematic Development of Brain : Vedic Math has a fresh and entirely different approach to the analysis of Mathematics. Studying math is actually a springboard to increasing ones overall intelligence. Vedic Math requires abstract and concrete thinking, which leads to the development of the brain’s muscles.

4)   Develops Creativity : Vedic Math is based on pattern recognition, allowing for the constant expression of a student’s imagination. A single question can be solved with several methods, providing flexibility for the student. In Vedic Math, a student is encouraged to find new ways to solve a problem, rather than to strictly just follow the given commands. It inspires creativity in a student and motivates them to use their skills to locate distinctive approach to solve a problem.

5)   Balanced Brain Development : Studies show that the bilateral activation in parietal regions promotes problem solving. The involvement of frontal brain regions are for executive processes and working memory in mathematical calculations. Vedic Math helps develop both the Left & Right Sides of the brain, by encouraging visualization and concentration skills. It sharpens the mind, increases mental agility and intelligence. It balances and develops the left and right sides of the brain by utilizing intuition and innovation.

6)   Improves Memory and Retention : In majority of the calculations in Vedic Math, use of pencil and paper is discouraged. The student ‘holds’ the number in its head, while performing additional procedure for the final answer. This inevitably boosts the retention memory of the student. In due time and with practice it improves memory and boosts self confidence.

7)   Discourages Use of Calculators : Since Vedic Math is easy and has less steps to calculate, it eliminates the dependency on calculators. It helps in making intelligent decisions to both simple and complex problems. It keeps the mind lively and alert to develop clarity of thought and intuition. Henceforth, Vedic Math automatically helps to evolve a holistic development of the human brain.

8)   Improves ConcentrationSince Vedic Math is mostly done mentally with easy calculations, it helps develop focus, retention, memory and concentration. It helps students apply the sutras to specific problems involving rational thinking, which, in the process, helps improve  intuition . Intuition plays a major role in the evolution of mathematical concepts.

9)   Removes Fear of Math : Vedic Math very easily cultivates an interest in numbers. Once the mind of a student develops an understanding of mental mathematics, it  begins to think systematically and more creatively. Modern Mathematics takes 10-12 years to master the whole mathematical operation. In contrast, Vedic Math can be learnt  in 1-2 years with extreme accuracy and fast outcome. Vedic Math also has the potential to solve the psychological problem of math anxiety. The Vedic methods enable the student to improve mental abilities to solve difficult problems with high speed and accuracy.

Vedic Maths nurtures the power of reasoning, creativity, abstract or spatial thinking, critical thinking, problem-solving ability and effective communication skills. It helps broaden the horizons of the mind, giving the ability to look at the world in a new light and logically infer a solution by questioning things.

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