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Brief Introduction to Sanskrit

Brief Introduction to Sanskrit

Few questions have puzzled me for a while now : Is Silence a sound ? Does it have its own frequency ? Is language just a mix of sound ? I know for sure that every living and non-living thing expresses itself in one form or the other. So language is an expression. To understand better, we have given it a structure, a name, like English, Hindi, Hebrew, Japanese…….and so on. In total there are approximately 6500 structured verbal expressions called languages in the world. 

Broadly speaking, if we go to the root of the earliest form of language, we can trace the origin of almost all the languages to either Sanskrit, Latin or Greek. Sanskrit has been declared older than Latin and Greek. It is not a religion or a culture. Samskrit is a way of life which is universal. It is as relevant now, as it was 7000 years ago. Samskrit is a refined version of the cosmic sounds which were captured as Vedas (Shruti) by the ancient scholars and later the same sounds were structured and compiled in a language. So we can say that Samskrit is the cosmic language.

 Video LinkSanskrit In Modern World For Modern World

It is a specialized and very refined linguistic discipline. It embodies a comprehensive map of the human makeup: spiritual, emotional, mental and physical. Its philosophical literature presents a clearly structured way of understanding our relationship to the rest of creation and lays out guidelines on how to live life well. Samskrit shows a wholistic approach to life and not life in pockets.  

There was a lot of science in the four Vedas, covering every aspect necessary and important for the humans and society. Fields like math, astronomy, culture, astrology, philosophy, medicine, art, music, nature, yoga and many more are covered in detail with scientific precision. Unfortunately, the science behind the suggestions got lost and the distortions overtook it leaving any logic far behind. 

The knowledge provided gives a wholistic pictures instead of a compartmentalized version of life. It is not a quick fix, if followed properly, it is a complete fix for mind, body and soul. 

For example : It provides information right from waking up to going to bed. Step by step details of every thought and act to be done for a perfectly harmonious and balanced day. The narration for the day includes sound vibration, yoga, alignment of mind and body, duty and service towards self and society, how to use energy in productive ways. 

It is high time that we understood the science behind the so called ‘silly actions’ suggested by scholars. It needs proper research and understanding so that the lost glory of Samskrit can be revived and the society and human can benefit as a whole.

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