forum is a platform for an online discussion, where users share thoughts, ideas, or help each other by posting messages. Forums encourage open and free discussions, including questions, comparisons, polls of opinion, as well as debates.



Guidelines For Writing APost

  • When creating a new post, please provide a shot descriptive subject for the topic or the reason for the post 
  • Try not to get into too great of detail or making a post more than three paragraphs long
  • Do not write in ALL CAPS, as it appears rude to other members

Please Remain Respectful OfOther Members At All Times

  • All posts should be professional and courteous. It is perfectly acceptable to disagree with fellow community members. Please explain your perspective respectfully
  • Any degrading, insulting or otherwise belittling behavior to any member will result in getting you account and post deleted
  • Complete respect to all members of this community is expected at all times. Any unsocial or rude behavior is unacceptable

Any Offensive Posts, Links or Images Are Strictly Prohibited

  • Offending, controversial and / or dis-respectful content will be deleted with follow up action
  • Any material that constitutes defamation, harassment, or abuse is strictly prohibited
  • Material that is obscene, racist, or otherwise overly discriminatory is not permitted on these forums. This includes user pictures
  • Use common sense and good manners while posting or replying

No Private Messaging Any User

  • Do not send private messages to any users asking for help. If you need help, make a new thread in the appropriate forum then the whole community can help and benefit
  • Continuous messaging or nagging the members is frowned upon. Please practice discretion

No Spam / Advertising / Self-promotion Allowed InThe Forums

  • The forum defines spam as unsolicited advertisement for goods, services and/or other web sites, or posts with little, or completely unrelated content
  • Do not spam the forums with links to any site or product, or try to self-promote your website, business or forums etc
  • Do not ask for e-mail addresses or phone numbers. This will result in permanent ban of your account and your posts will be deleted

General Questions

What happens if a rule is broken?

In that case, you will either be warned or banned. A ban of your user account may either be temporary or permanent. The admin will have the right to edit, delete, move or close any thread or post as they see necessary, without prior warning

Can I report a thread/post which has broken a rule?

Yes please !! Do report the thread/post that has broken a rule, at Contact Us page. The admin reserves the right to the final decision