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The Talking Cave

The Talking Cave
Story in Audio
Moral of the Story :  Presence of mind and wit are the best weapons against danger

There once was a lion that ruled over a small section of the jungle. He would go out to hunt everyday for food. One day he was having a particularly difficult time finding prey. He walked around in search of food until sunset with no luck. Hungry and tired, he started walking back towards home. On his way back to his den he came across a cave. He thought to himself that a cave that size would definitely be inhabited by some big animal. That would be a perfect meal and  would last him few days.

The lion crawled inside the cave and hid himself behind a big rock. Looking around he gauged it to be the cave of a jackal. The cunning jackal arrived a few hours later. He saw the lion’s footprints going inside the cave, but no footprints leading out of the cave. He grew suspicious and drafted a plan to be sure of his safety before entering the cave.

The jackal pretended to talk to the cave. He stood outside and started talking in a loud voice. He said, “Greetings cave! How was your day. I just wanted to let you know that I am coming inside!”

He paused for a few seconds as if waiting for a response. He then shouted again.

“Dear Cave! Do you remember our agreement? I am still waiting for your permission to come in. Should I go elsewhere?”

Upon hearing jackal’s second call, the lion thought that he better reply, else the jackal will go away. The lion quickly shouted back, “Hello Jackal, the cave is safe to enter. You can come in now”. The lion’s voice boomed off of the inside of the cave and echoed on the way out. Hearing that, the jackal’s suspicion was confirmed. He knew for sure that the lion was waiting for him to enter the cave. The jackal ran off as fast as he could away from the cave. The lion waited for him all night long. In the morning still famished and disappointed, the lion went back to his den. Jackal’s presence of mind, saved his life from being eaten by the lion.

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